Money, money, money was on the mind of the Alberta legislature this week as the United Conservative government introduced its interim supply bill.
Join host Emma Graney with guests Clare Clancy, Keith Gerein and Dave Breakenridge to talk numbers and go over exactly why unions are unimpressed with the government this week.
The team also takes a look at a couple of backbencher bills and the committee that oversees them.
Good Stuff from the GalleryClare's pick: This project from the LA Times called The man in the window, about the golden state serial killer.
Keith's pick: This piece from John Ivison in the National Post about some of the exciting goings-on in Ottawa.
Emma's pick: This fascinating read in Washingtonian magazine by a mom whose 13-year-old son joined the alt-right movement.
Dave's pick: This heartbreaking piece from the New York Times, The Day the Music Burned, about the biggest disaster in the history of the music business — the 2008 Universal fire.