Right Here Right Now - I'm Safe
Past events and memories can and do evoke negative emotions such as anger, fear, hurt, and guilt - you fill in the blank along with their associated limiting beliefs. And we continue to feel them long after they have finished.
We get anxious, worry, panic - you fill in the blank thinking of things that might happen in the future and play wonderous movies in our head of all the bad things that might happen.
They are all in your head. The past is gone, finished, it's over and the future hasn't happened which all means tight here, right now those negative emotions, beliefs, and internal movies are all of your own making because right here, right now you are safe.
In this episode, we'll look into how to change this by choosing a safer way to be because all these other ways are no longer appropriate. Getting your unconscious mind to find and access ways to keep you safe and deal with all that Negative 'STUFF'.
Please come with me on this dive down the rabbit hole and see, hear, and feel in creating the life that makes you feel good YAY! :O)
Please share every golden nugget that you find in this episode and share with others
Shine brightly
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And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism
Speaker A: Hey, the longer podcast, it's called. Right here, right now. I'm safe. And sometimes it doesn't feel that way, but you bloody are. We've got anxiety and worry about things in the future. We've got negative emotions that we bring in the past. This is an episode where we're going to change all that and we're going to use this moment right now to do it. Times take control. I know this is important, so have a listen after this.
Speaker A: Hey, friend. Worry anxiety, don't we? We have we worry about things in.
Speaker D: The future, don't we?
Speaker A: We have anxiety. We have panic attacks about things that are going to happen in the future because they may have happened in the past. We're dragging that, baggage from the past, which maybe causes to have anger, sadness, even guilt, jealousy, all those negative bloody emotions. Think of when you worry about something, by the way, that hasn't happened.
Speaker D: When you do do that, and I.
Speaker A: Know people sometimes say, but I don't visualize, but I bet you bloody do.
Speaker D: Then you see that drama in all its wonderful technicolor glory.
Speaker A: You can hear everything that was going on. You'll even give yourself a commentary and you'll even give yourself a bit of.
Speaker D: A bollocking, won't you?
Speaker A: And you feel it.
Speaker D: And you're feeling something that hasn't happened. Isn't that weird?
Speaker A: Isn't that weird? We're going to go, why that's happening? Explain it. But just at the moment, let's just muse.
Speaker D: Isn't it weird that you can have.
Speaker A: Anxiety even as much as panic attacks, worry keeping you up at night, all that stuff when you're not asleep, but you're trying to sleep, and you can't sleep because you're worrying about something that, isn't happening, because you're in your bloody bed. Isn't that weird? It's not happening. And if you're going to bring all.
Speaker D: That baggage, as I say, you're dragging.
Speaker A: That baggage along, anger, sadness, guilt, jealousy, depression.
Speaker D: When you're doing that, what does that look like?
Speaker A: How do you see the world? Do you see it through like a red mist? Maybe you feel down, you feel, hurt. How do you speak to yourself? How do you move? How do you move your body? And what do you feel? And again, you're bringing this stuff from the past.
Speaker D: That's finished. The past is gone.
Speaker A: It doesn't you see?
Speaker D: Let's muse. Let's just muse for a bit, because.
Speaker A: I want to break that little bit of because that's pretty negative cloughy.
If time is a construct, then obviously the past doesn't existSpeaker A: Yeah, so let's muse.
Speaker D: If time, as they say, is a construct, then obviously the past doesn't exist. And, neither does the future, by the way.
Speaker A: There is only one thing left after that.
Speaker D: So if the past doesn't exist and the old future doesn't exist, what does?
Speaker A: Well, it's this very moment, and even that's gone. And you could say it's gone into.
Speaker D: The past, but has it?
Speaker A: And did it come from the future? Maybe. Depends how you construct it. In this very moment, in the now.
Speaker D: That'S all there is. Then you have to question, why do we have anxiety, panic, fear about the.
Speaker A: Future that's not happening, that doesn't exist, right now? And those negative emotions.
Speaker D: Again, about the.
Speaker A: Past, that's gone, that doesn't exist, but you're bringing them into the now. It's not happening. Look around. If you are worrying about something right.
Speaker D: Now and you're not actually in that moment, look around. Yeah, it's not here.
Speaker A: Hit yourself, tap yourself on the head.
Speaker D: You're here right now.
Speaker A: And that person you were worried about, or that meeting that you're worried about, or that thing that you're worried about, or that thing in the past that you're so angry that keep bringing into the future, or you're so sad know.
Speaker D: You'Ve got guilt, depression about sadness about.
Speaker A: Stuff in the past, and you've brought it.
Speaker D: It's not happening.
Speaker A: Remember Yana Alonso? Just a few longer podcasts ago, integrated healing. And, one of those things she said was she said it to her.
Speaker D: Unconscious mind, I can't do this because it's gone. And she was talking about the past.
Speaker A: I can't do this, can't have these emotions. I can't have this reaction because it is gone. But also, when you think about it, you can't do this about the future.
Speaker D: Why? Because he's not here.
Speaker A: Which means something. You see, I know we get to.
Speaker D: A little bit of a sort of why now?
Speaker A: I know I, bang on about negative emotions are there to protect you, and they are. These are things from the past and things that may happen in the future. Because anxiety, worry, fear, panic attacks are just okay, panic attacks are more physical as well. But they have that emotion.
Speaker D: They are negative emotions trying to protect.
Speaker A: You from the future or what might.
Speaker D: Happen in the future.
Speaker A: But instead of just saying be concerned.
Speaker D: Be aware, set yourself up, get prepared.
Speaker A: Your unconscious mind goes into overdrive to.
Speaker D: Really, really, really protect you.
Speaker A: And that's when we get that overwhelm, that's when we all we can think about is worrying about things and not preparing for things. Now your unconscious mind is doing it for a wonderful positive intention. Now why? Why is it still there? What I believe? Think about this. If you'd have learnt what you need to learn from those events in the.
Speaker D: Past.
Speaker A: Or the things you're worrying about in the future, if you look to what experiences and what things you need to do and what you've learned in.
Speaker D: The past, you wouldn't need to have those negative emotions. You really wouldn't.
Speaker A: I'll give you a very quick example. Friend of mine, years and years and years ago, was coming home from a nightclub. He'd been out, it's a little bit worse for wear, which is probably might have contributed a little bit, but instead of getting a camp home, a taxi home, he decided to walk early hours of the morning, not a good thing to do. Then instead of staying above ground, he went to cross the road through a subway underpass type thing, not a good thing to do.
Speaker D: And he got mugged. He got beaten up quite badly and.
Speaker A: When he got better because he was in hospital for a day or two, then he got better. He didn't want to go out at all. So his unconscious mind was going, don't go out, don't go out. If you go out it might happen again. So I'm really going to give you the worry about things that might happen in the future.
Speaker D: And you've also got maybe a bit.
Speaker A: Of anger, maybe a bit of guilt, maybe whatever, remorse, I don't know. You had emotions from the future and the past. Now, as a hypnotist, what we could.
Speaker D: Have done is to say, right, I'm.
Speaker A: Going to hypnotize you and take away the memory, take away the memory completely. So he would never remember that he'd been beaten up and things like that, what happened that night, he wouldn't have a memory at all. Now some people say, well that's great.
Speaker D: Because now he can go out and he could go out and what would he do?
Speaker A: The same bloody thing because he hadn't learned. And the learnings, are if you're going to have a phone, make sure.
Speaker D: You get a cab home, make sure.
Speaker A: You organize yourself because when you do things like that and you have a buddy with you or you do something and you do things safely, you can go out. So you've learned from that past, event and therefore the emotions no longer are dragged with you and they're no longer projected into future. So he wasn't worried about going out.
Speaker D: Because he goes, okay, going m to.
Speaker A: Get a cab home. I've booked it. I've got my little cab money in my back pocket. I've always got something ready for me.
Paul Clough: Think about memories from the past or projecting into futureSpeaker D: I've got my phone, I'm sorted.
Speaker A: And that's a bit about the learnings once you've got the learning. So that's why hypnosis works so well. Where do we get hypnosis stuff from? Well, we've got things like the free Hypnosis tracks here. Paulcloffonline.com podcast, go and get them. 50 odd.
Speaker D: They're brilliant.
Speaker A: And the thing is though, here's the other thing. So we got to learn. We have to learn about these things. And what I'm really talking about here is obviously something really deep. Get your bloody one to one. We'll talk about that shortly.
Speaker D: But these are like those worries that.
Speaker A: We have about things which aren't that big, but they are at the moment. But if you flew up and looked down upon that issue, you're thinking about it's probably not the biggest thing in the world. We've just made it bigger than it is. And you see, when you think about.
Speaker D: It, if, as I said, the past.
Speaker A: Doesn'T exist and the future doesn't exist, where do these things exist then?
Speaker D: Well, in your mind, isn't it? And if it's in your mind, who controls your mind? yes, you. Me?
Speaker A: I control my mind.
Speaker D: I know I can control it.
Speaker A: You can control your mind because you.
Speaker D: are the driver of the bus.
Speaker A: Sometimes we forget to we put it into autopilot. And that means memories are what they are. And I call memories of the future. The things you're making up are what they are. They're just in your mind. And they're not a true representation.
Speaker D: They're not real. Think about memory from the past and.
Speaker A: You'Re in a bit of you wake up in the morning or something gets on your nerves and you get down, you're in a bad mood or you're sad about something. Something's upset you and you're sad. And someone asks you about a particular memory. Something happened in the past. That memory is not going to be very good. It might have been ah, not such a good memory. But I can tell you now, in that particular mood that you're in now, it would have been a terrible memory. You describe it and feel it again terribly. So you'd probably exaggerate it. And if you were thinking about the future, bloody hell, why does it all go wrong? Everything's happened to me today. Oh, and this is going to go and it always happened. We've got those beliefs, we've got those things. But then flip it on its head.
Speaker D: Hey, things are going right today.
Speaker A: I'm in a bloody good mood.
Speaker D: I am. I am.
Speaker A: Well, I'm just nice, relaxed, I'm feeling good. And somebody asked me about that same memory. What am I going to say? Yeah, well, wasn't that bad.
Speaker D: Wasn't that bad.
Speaker A: Yeah, let it go. Yeah, I'm fine in fact, I don't.
Speaker D: Really think about it.
Speaker A: Or if I'm thinking about something in.
Speaker D: The future before I m might have.
Speaker A: Thought it was terrible, I'd be going, well, you know what? I can cope with it.
Speaker D: No one's going to die.
Speaker A: I'm going to be fine. I'll get it sorted. I'll just prepare myself because I'm in a different mood, I'm in a different emotional state. And when I'm in a different emotional state than the problem, I'm in a place that I can solve what I need to resolve. That's like a poet, wasn't it?
Speaker D: Cloughy?
Speaker A: It was indeed. So you see, what I think of this is what I've been thinking about. If it's not happening right now, this thing that you're either bringing from the past or projecting into the future, then we have this little space. Because when you look around, it's not happening. It's not happening right now. So this is the space where you get to change it. You get to shape it how you would want it to be. Because you can get out the jar and read the label. You can get a meta view looking down upon it and see how you want it to be.
Speaker D: Because you're in a different frame of.
Speaker A: Mind because it's not actually happening.
Speaker D: You see, I want you because when.
Speaker A: You'Re in the jar and when you're thinking of the worst that can happen or you're bringing all that stuff.
Speaker D: In, you're thinking how you don't want it to be.
Speaker A: And you see, your unconscious mind doesn't understand what's real or not. We've done it before and so it believes this is what you want. Because you're banging out these emotions. You're putting these pictures in your mind and they're very vivid. And your unconscious mind, well, hey, if that's what it's going to be like.
Speaker D: I'll show you how to do it.
Speaker A: And then you go, I was right.
Get your unconscious mind on board to help you change negative emotionsSpeaker A: The old self filling, philosophy, not philosophy, whatever it is.
Speaker D: You know what I mean? And that's the problem we're in that.
Speaker A: Seeing and feeling how you don't want it to be. But we can take this moment, this.
Speaker D: Moment that it's not happening to use.
Speaker A: As our space, our trigger for change.
Speaker D: Our time for change.
Speaker A: So first of all, set yourself into.
Speaker D: A good, just a comfortable state.
Speaker A: Think of a time when you were just comfortable, resourceful, sometime in the past. Go there, see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel that feeling. And when you feel that feeling.
Speaker D: Of just being resourceful, just sit and.
Speaker A: Think, what would be the consequences of not changing.
Speaker D: Or having that bad thing in the future?
Speaker A: What would be the consequences of not changing?
Speaker D: They wouldn't be good, would they?
Speaker A: Consequences of not changing from those negative emotions from the past and projecting them into future. Things were just going to get worse, aren't they? Things always just get a little bit worse, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more until they get out of control. And how safe would you feel? Well I didn't say feel safe back then so I ain't going to bloody feel safe in the future, am I? And if I'm not feeling safe safe it's going to mean like my friend, he didn't want to go out, he didn't want to do it gives different.
Speaker D: Effects and we don't want to go there.
Speaker A: So we need to get your unconscious mind on board because we do know if it's not safe and it's not.
Speaker D: Good for us the whole point of.
Speaker A: That is your unconscious mind has to keep you safe.
Speaker D: Talk about that shortly and therefore it's got to change.
Speaker A: Now we're going to get your unconscious mind on board. And now if this is a big thing and it is something that you really eight out of 1010 out of 1011 out of ten, then you must seek a real good therapist. Get yourself a one to one therapist.
Speaker D: One to one therapy and it'll blow.
Speaker A: Your mind in a good way. If you find someone who's I always say as a good hypnotist, a master hypnotist, master practitioner of NLP and a Master practitioner of timeline therapy, they will help you sort this really quickly. And even doing what we're doing now will help that. I always say that because we're doing.
Speaker D: Things in a positive way but we.
Speaker A: Talk about general things, general things that either we're bringing from the past or worrying a little bit in the future.
Speaker D: So we feel in that nice comfortable resourceful state m, and we're going to.
Speaker A: Ask ourselves if we were to change so if we were to let go of those negative resources, negative emotions because we've learned how would that change in the future?
Speaker D: What are the consequences of being different?
Speaker A: What type of emotions would you have instead? And if you think about that thing.
Speaker D: You'Re worried about in the future, if.
Speaker A: That was to change and go in.
Speaker D: A way that was successful, what would be the consequences?
Speaker A: New opportunities coming from that, from dealing with that situation in a good way, what are those consequences? And when you think about that, how do they both make you feel?
Speaker D: And really notice that if you looked around and felt what you felt or would feel, it's a safe place to be, because you're in control.
Speaker A: You're connecting with all the positive resources, skills, emotions, beliefs. And that's got to be a safe.
Speaker D: Place, because you're aware of what's happening.
Speaker A: And you've got all the resources you're able to access all the resources you need to deal with things. So what would happen? What would be the consequences of all of that? Well that'd be bloody awesome, wouldn't it? And how important would that be to.
Speaker D: You to feel that way, to feel.
Speaker A: This new way and have and even if you were to float out a.
Speaker D: Little bit further into the future, having resolved everything, how would that feel?
Speaker A: How important would that be? Because that's your bloody why.
Speaker D: It'D be so good.
Just imagine floating out to the future, if you couldSpeaker D: So going back to this thing in.
Speaker A: This space where nothing is happening, because it's the now, I want you to.
Speaker D: Imagine having dealt with all of that.
Speaker A: That thing that you used to worry about, that thing that you used to get angry about, that thing that you used to get guilty, sad, depressed about.
Speaker D: Just imagine floating out to the future, if you could. And, it's your imagination, you're in.
Speaker A: Control of your imagination, just as you're.
Speaker D: In control of your mind with your.
Speaker A: Total, whole imagination, which is limitless.
Speaker D: Just imagine going out into the future.
Speaker A: Sometime in the future, an unspecified time in the future.
Speaker D: Having dealt with that.
Speaker A: Issue, having let go of those emotions. And be there, feel the feeling. And just ask your unconscious mind and I'll ask your unconscious mind for you if you were to float now, just for this moment in time.
Speaker D: I mean, obviously make sure it's safe to do so.
Speaker A: If not, you can always know this is near the end of the episode, so you can come back for the last ten minutes or whatever and do this little thing again. But just imagine just now if it's okay, if it's safe to do so, maybe just close your eyes and go out into the future. Just float, don't care how far, because it's beyond having dealt with that issue, either the letting go or the resolving of the thing in that future. You're going beyond the future. The things you used to worry about when you're there, just feel that feeling of being, having all the freedom, all the consequences, all the opportunities. And ask your unconscious mind, to realize what skills you could have, would have used to get here. Now, what would your unconscious mind have learned? What resources, positive beliefs, positive emotions and behaviors could it have accessed that you have right now in abundance to get to this position and get your unconscious.
Speaker B: Mind to realize.
Speaker A: How safe this place is now, you can think of just being free of those negative emotions. Imagine what it'd be like to be free of those past negative emotions. Be out there in that, unspecified time in the future. Just imagine what it feels like, what emotions would you feel instead? And ask your unconscious mind what did it need to learn from the past to get you here, where you're free. And while you're here, make this visualization the most vivid you can imagine. Come on, go there, go there, go way beyond thoughts and just go, I'm totally free. How would it be? That's right. And just ask your unconscious mind, how much safer would I be when I'm like this? Because your unconscious mind number going to re remember, re remind your unconscious mind that it's the prime directive of your, unconscious mind to keep you safe and healthy. They are the number ones together and feel it. Just ask your unconscious mind this is a safe way, this or something better. Let's go do it. And then come back to the now because it's the only place that exists by the way, isn't it?
Speaker D: now that was very, very quick.
Speaker A: And it doesn't need to be long because things that like in NLP.
Speaker D: If they're very quick and vivid just.
Speaker A: Go your unconscious mind takes them on so quickly because your unconscious mind can do things far quicker than your conscious mind. And what I'm going to suggest is.
Speaker D: Because it's a good thing to do is to practice this and all you.
Speaker A: Have to do is take how long did that take?
Speaker D: A minute?
Speaker A: How many minutes have you got free that you could apply this to or practice it in your day? Now, I know you could probably find.
Speaker D: 1 minute every hour or so where.
Speaker A: You just hang on a minute. I'm going to the toilet if need be. And, while you're there, just take that minute to imagine floating out to the future, to being free of any.
Speaker D: Worries, any fears, being free of any past negative emotions.
Speaker A: And just notice what it feels like.
Speaker D: How safe it would be.
Speaker A: This is like part of you finding the real you now, isn't it? With all those wonderful resources you are packed and using and accessing all the.
Speaker D: Wonderful resources, positive beliefs, wonderful emotions and.
Speaker A: Behaviors, positive behaviors that you can access right now in abundance.
Speaker D: That's all you have to do. Maybe 1 minute every hour.
Speaker A: Think about when you wake up. Oh, we've all got a minute with.
Speaker D: A cup of coffee or whatever it is.
Speaker A: When I'm on the subway, the bus.
Speaker D: Not doing it while you're driving but.
Speaker A: When you park your car just 30 seconds, 1 minute before you get out and keep doing it through the day.
Speaker D: Now I'm saying a minute.
Speaker A: Now, what would happen if you doubled it and made it two minutes? Two minutes that long.
Speaker D: Paul yeah really getting into it, saying.
Speaker A: The words this or something better. How safe am I? Just ask your unconscious mind what does it need to learn?
Speaker D: And what I would suggest is just.
Speaker A: Before you do do this every time, just before you do this, just set your intention.
Speaker D: I'm going to be like this unconscious mind, my best friend. You're going to find the way and then visualize, imagine, see what you'll see, hear what you'll hear and feel those feelings.
Speaker A: So float and make it an.
Speaker D: Unspecified time in the future because I.
Speaker A: Don'T and I'll tell you for why. I'll tell you the reason why.
Speaker D: Because if you put a date you're stopping it happening quicker than that.
Speaker A: So I want you to put an unspecified so sometime in the future. I'm the way I want to be and let your unconscious mind get it at the most wonderful speed. It can get there for you because it'll be bigger, better, faster, brighter, better feelings, bigger, richer feelings, all that. And all you have to do after that is be grateful. So as you go to bed you might just do it one more time just before you sleep and then be grateful for your unconscious mind to do it for you.
Imagine going to sleep with that feeling of how you want to beSpeaker D: Because you imagine going to sleep with that feeling of how you want to be. Imagine that.
Speaker A: Imagine that going into your neurology as you sleep and your unconscious mind going, this is how you want to feel. So we're quick. We have completely flipped over from what you were doing in the past, concentrating and thinking about all the stuff you didn't want. Now we're just doing it every hour for 1 minute, just before you go to sleep, just as you wake up, setting your intention, I'm going to be like this unconscious, mind, my best friend. Find the way, find the resources and let's live that wonderful rich life.
Speaker D: So there you go. You see, my meta view of all of this is you're ultimately in control.
Speaker A: So if you are in control, let's take that control. And you see this moment in time, this moment right now is when you're at your freest.
Speaker D: Because it's right now you take control. Right now. Just think about that.
Speaker A: How empowering would it be if you.
Speaker D: Could do that and be that way?
Speaker A: How empowered would you feel? What type of example would you be.
Speaker D: For others, your family, if you got.
Speaker A: Children and they saw their mum, their.
Speaker D: Dad, their parent, just being taking on.
Speaker A: the world in a wonderful way, changing the world in a wonderful way.
Speaker D: Creating a world in a wonderful way.
Speaker A: You see, one thing I wrote for a little note. Why is all this important? And I'll tell you for bloody why.
Speaker D: Because having worry, anxiety, fears, you don't have to feel it. That's why it's important. You don't have to feel this way. All those negative emotions, you don't have to feel it.
Speaker A: We just have to learn and move on. And some of the learnings I'll just get your unconscious mind to think of.
Speaker D: How it would be when it's acting.
Speaker A: In your total best interest, using all your skills and learnings, not the negative stuff. And the more you think and feel and it is the feelings. So see what you'll see, hear what.
Speaker D: You'Ll hear and feel those feelings right here, right now.
Speaker A: Feeling is that like that arrow going straight to your unconscious mind, right.
Speaker D: To the heart of everything saying this is it.
Speaker A: Direct communication, the feeling.
Speaker D: There you go, have a play. But place, have serious play, have fun, make it fun.
Speaker A: And the worst that could happen, I always say this, the worst that could.
Speaker D: Happen is you'd feel bloody good for.
Speaker A: 1 minute every hour. Now that's better than you were before.
Speaker D: So that's a good start. But I know that's when I say.
Speaker A: The minimum, the worst that could happen.
Speaker D: I mean, that's the worst that could happen.
Speaker A: And we all know it's going to.
Speaker D: Be a million times better.
Speaker A: I'd love to know how you get on with this. I'd also love to know if any of you have well, it all makes perfectly sense to me, Paul, but when I do this, something happens. Let me know what that something is. Just email me feedback at Personal Developmentunplug.com and we'll, muse about it. Maybe a five minute quickie or a full length longer podcast and really get to the nuts, if that's a term, and do things. I don't know where that come from, so do let me know. Let me know if there's something I can do for you, even it's away from this. If there's something that you feel would be good, something you need help. We've had listeners questions before, and they create really good episodes, that everyone can learn from. Loads of golden nuggets you can pick up and use. I'd love to get your feedback, and if there's something I can improve upon in my communication, please let me know too, because I just want to get better. Thank you so much for your time. It is appreciated. There's so much noise and everything going on there to have you spend a little bit of time with me. Really appreciated. And nearly as appreciated as sharing the episode, sharing the podcast, and pressing that bloody subscribe bell thing, whatever it is. Follow. Let's make this more viable, or not viable. What's the word? Accessible to more people because they don't know about and it's only small little podcast, but I do believe what we've got here is some real gems. So if you do that, that would be, I didn't say it once. All podcasts, that would be absolutely awesome.
Paul Clough says it's time to fly on your ownSpeaker A: Anyway, all of that, have more fun than you can stand when your unconscious mind to get to do this and fly, because it is time to fly. Have fun.
Speaker C: You warning, you are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.
Speaker D: Personal development unplugged.