In this episode, Natalia, Neil, and Niki discuss Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley.
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Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:
· Nikki Haley recently secured the backing of the wealthy Koch Brothers, bringing more attention to her presidential run. Natalia referred to this multi-part POLITICO series on Haley’s career. Neil drew on this NPR piece, and Niki on this article from The Intercept.
In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:
· Natalia shared about her most recent MSNBC column, “How Feminists Have Failed Israeli Victims of Sexual Violence.”
· Neil recommended Sopan Deb’s New York Times article, “Nom Nom Nom. What’s the Deal With Cookie Monster’s Cookies?”
· Niki discussed the National Security Archive’s “Henry Kissinger: The Declassified Obituary.”