LeGrande Green interviews intuitive Victoria Holt. A Hollywood producer/writer, she's been called a “revolutionary leader” who brings a hip understanding of spirituality to the masses. In this episode of BOLD, she uses her intuitive power to tap into America's racial crisis and reveals some shocking things you may not have heard about the Law of Attraction.
Her insights into the secrets of human development provide healing for people stuck in bad relationships with their loved ones–and themselves. “When you face your pain, you can deal with it,” she says. “When you heal your soul, you change your life. It can be your messenger for truth.”
She is the author of “Spiritual Facelift: 7 Natural Steps to Inner and Outer Health and Beauty” and “Heaven is Here: The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Best Life In This World and the Next.” Her website is www.spiritmediainc.com. Join the conversation at www.getboldtoday.com.