LeGrande Green interviews John Lee Dumas, founder of the podcast Entrepreneur on Fire. Each day, John's #1 platform offers listeners the opportunity to learn from the world's leading business leaders and corporate geniuses.
At 34, John is living the dream. With his girlfriend Kate Erickson, they produce the daily podcast. From idea to inception in mid 2012, the show achieved Best of iTunes in 2013 with 7.4 million downloads, raking in nearly $250,000 a month. The key to his incredible success? Learning to navigate failure.
“You won't get to success without failure,” he says. “You don't want to let your first failure (or second or third or fourth) stop you.”
John tried law school. He lasted for a single semester. Then he took a corporate finance job, followed by a position with a tech startup in Manhattan. No good. Next he moved to San Diego to indulge his passion in corporate real estate. It paid the bills but didn't ignite his passion as he found himself spending an inordinate amount of time in his car.
A friend suggested he start listening to podcasts to pass the time. From there, a million-dollar idea was born. To access John's free gift to BOLD listerners, click here www.eofire.com/gift. John's website is www.entepreneuronfire.com. Join the conversation at www.getboldtoday.com.