Title: Stroke Medicine - FAQs for F1s
Host(s): Pete Brock
Guest(s): Mark Garside, Gemma Smith, James Muggleton & Eve Braithwaite
Opening Question: If for 24 hours you could do any other job in the hospital, what would it be?
Main Topic: Addressing the issues related to stroke we commonly find difficult
Discussion Points:
Assessing patients who will not comply with your examination What are the stroke mimics Face a bit droopy, speech a bit slurred, bit confused – is this a stroke? How do you diagnose posterior circulation strokes? What happens in a stroke unit?CotEcast Commandments:
Think stroke, and act quickly - time is brain! It’s a bleed until proven otherwise Say what you seeReferences, Links, Resources:
Thrombolysis Mini-GEM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lsHXmw_dVg) STARS e-learning modules (stroketraining.org)