Limitless has teamed up with Epermarket to bring you Allergy Awareness Week, and in this episode we're going to tackle household allergens with experts from PureLiving, Kellie Henry and Graeme McLeish. Kellie just celebrated her 6-year China-versary, arriving in Shanghai in April 2009 and has been working with PureLiving for 3 and a half years. Her partner in crime here, Graeme. has been in China for nearly nine years and has experience working in NGOs including an energy consultancy in London and for the Red Cross following the Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. He has been with PureLiving for the past 3 years and has recently become a Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant. In this show, Kellie and Graeme teach us how to prevent and treat household allergens that are common to homes in China—focusing primarily on mold, pollen, dander and–eeeek, my least fav–cockroaches! (Who knew people were allergic to cockroaches!?)