The First Procedural Drama on ABC Family Procedural Drama : iZombie similarities - Watching the First Episode NOW! They have been releasing the first episode to many different platforms, so make sure to check it out on your favorite streaming provider! Amazon iTunes YouTube - (480p) Facebook Once you've watched the first episode... Write a review and more places to watch the premiere
Cast and Crew Q&A I found a fairly rough, but very interesting series of panel interviews with the cast! The audio and video aren't amazing, but the conversation is great! Part 1 Part 2 Some other interviews that are a little more polished and help you get to know the cast and characters a little more! Press Junket and 1:1 interviews Emma Ishta Interview Tour the Lab! Take a tour of the Stitchers lab with cast members! You can get a closer look at pieces of the set, which are sometimes only shown at a glance in the episode. Ritesh Rajan / Linus Kyle Harris / Cameron Temporal Dysplasia We review Emma's mention of the condition, in an interview. slight spoiler…. D23 Expo Presence? It would be awesome to have Stitchers represented at this years Disney D23 Expo, perhaps as a panel discussion!?