Mike, Tom, Tad in studio. Crunch ran a little late, but did make it.
Mike has made up his mind after last weeks conversation with Howard from Redline Performance. The starting point will be his 2001 C5 Corvette. This has Crunch a little bothered, as he is a little more "Old School"
The guys have been trying to line up a guest each show, and from what feedback they are getting, it's a great format.
Do you want a 9 second Subaru?
It's not a secret at this point that Subaru cars went through a big evolution from where they started. The WRX changed the game in what we thought about Subaru performance. This week JJ from IAG calls in to discuss the craft of working with the infamous "boxer" engine found in the Subaru family of cars. Most of the Subaru guys, and Tad is most definitely a fanboy, know exactly who IAG is. With quite an offering of services and Subaru specialized parts, IAG is set to give the guys some of the finer points of all things Subaru.
Live again next week Monday night at 7:00 PM EST on Mixlr.com. Call in number 908 751 0211. Live callers welcome, and this will be the line for giveaways.
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