Title: The FaSS and the Furious
Hosts: Vicky Gibson, Mark Garside
Guest(s): James Frith
Opening question: What was your most embarrassing fall?
Main Topic: Falls and Syncope
Discussion Points:
Why are falls an issue? Why are some patients resistant to seeking help? What are the common and easily overlooked causes of falls? How should you assess someone who has presented following a fall? What can be done on the wards to prevent falls? What happens in a Falls and Syncope department (and what exactly is a Tilt Table Test)? What are the current advances in falls/ongoing projects? Where can juniors spend more time to get more experience, and what services are available as an outpatient/in the community?
CotEcast Commandments:
References, Links, Resources:
- aeme.org.uk/mini-gems
- https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/falls
- http://www.ageuk.org.uk/health-wellbeing/keeping-fit/falls-prevention/exercise-regularly/
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