To say that life in China moves 'quickly', may be an understatement. Breakneck speed may be a better descriptor. Or... Bustling. Brisk. Accelerated. Hurried. Immediate. Hasty. Sudden. Rushing. Jerky. Aggressive. Dynamic. Do you feel It? — That chaotic energy surrounding you as you hustle down the street? Does your calendar feel it, as every moment gets scheduled to the brink of an insane pace? Does your heart feel it, when you go through your day rushing to and fro? What if there was a better way—what if you could actually slow down and enjoy each moment of the day, being productive where productivity is necessary, being calm when peace is imperative, and being present because, well, your actual presence is simply vital to those around you. Our guest on this show, coach and consultant Terri Creeden, is a proponent of moving through life slowing, with intent and purpose. She shares with us her personal story (no, moving slowly does not come naturally to her!), why we need to slow down, and how to do it. // Find more shows online at // Ten quick questions will better your listener experience. Take the 2016 Listener Survey at // Connect with Terri online at // A special thanks to this episode's sponsor, Concordia International School Shanghai. Discover more at