Artwork for 09.29.12 (MP3): Robot Road Rage VS Your Right to Roam, Asimov VS Shelley, Darth Vader VS Little Bill (Villains Cage Match), .45 Phil VS Septemper, Crag VS Che Guevara, + Dirty Harry, Oktoberfestin', Jagermeister, Morphine & Amon Tobin @ the HOB
Hank Watson's Garage Hour - Cars, Trucks, Beers & Guns

09.29.12 (MP3): Robot Road Rage VS Your Right to Roam, Asimov VS Shelley, Darth Vader VS Little Bill (Villains Cage Match), .45 Phil VS Septemper, Crag VS Che Guevara, + Dirty Harry, Oktoberfestin', Jagermeister, Morphine & Amon Tobin @ the HOB
00:00:00 / 00:59:13