You can save animals from factory farms. You can shift culture. You can stop rainforests from being chopped down. You can help communities. You can create the kind of world you want to live in. This is the power of your fork. The food revolution is a revolution you can fight peacefully, and everyone wins: the animals, the people, and our environment.
Food really matters. It’s the foundation of good health. But unfortunately, for many people it can also be the foundation of disease. A standard American diet means standard American diseases.
This is something Ocean Robbins witnessed in his own family history. His grandfather was one of the founders of Baskin-Robbins. His dad refused to go into the business, and walked away from a path paved with gold and ice-cream. He moved to an island off Canada with his wife, built a log cabin, grew vegetables, practiced yoga several hours a day, and had a child: Ocean.
From this island, Ocean’s dad wrote the book Diet for a New America, which helped thousands of people rethink their food choices. One of his readers ended up being his own father, who, after years of eating a standard American diet, was at death’s door. But making the changes suggested in the book, he reversed his heart disease and diabetes, lost 30 pounds, and lived 19 more healthy years.
When Ocean was 16, inspired by his dad and grandfather, he founded a nonprofit called Yes, and travelled to 65 countries giving talks and helping young activists build a healthier world for future generations. It was during these travels that Ocean realized how much of an impact food has on our health. He saw that as the American way of eating and producing food was expanding, so too were the diseases related to this diet. He realized food was at the source of a lot of the suffering on the planet: the torture of animals, the use of chemical poisons to grow crops and hijack our taste buds, the subsidies given to support the unhealthiest foods.
In 2012, Ocean joined forces with his dad and launched the Food Revolution Network, to promote healthy, sustainable food for everyone. They push for policy changes that could change our world. One of their goals is to make sure medical doctors get proper nutrition education. They also lobby to stop policies that support junk foods, and get the food industry to take health seriously.
But perhaps the most important goal is to share this life-boosting information with as many people as possible and help them put healthy change into action - not just for themselves, but for their community and the whole world.
We’re so excited to announce that Ocean’s new book 31-Day Food Revolution is out today. It’s packed with information and a step by step plan to put new habits into action.
The 4 principles to starting your own Food Revolution:
Less sugar and processed junk Less animal products More whole plant foods (veg, greens, legumes, whole grains, fruits - lots of fiber) Conscious sourcing - buy food that is organically, ethically, and fairly produced
How to be plant-based affordably:
Stop buying calories that are toxic (from junk foods) Avoid food waste - plan ahead, cook up extra meals and freeze them Eat out less Buy the real superfoods - cabbage, carrots, onions, beans, quinoa, spices…
All these things put together can get you to ultimate vitality and help create a better world.
But it’s about more than just health. Food can also connect us. Ocean’s book gives tips to help you be a positive influencer, teach people about nutrition in a loving way, and how you can build a community. Because we are not lone wolves, we need community to thrive.
And for every copy of the book that’s ordered, Ocean will donate to Trees for the Future, a nonprofit that plants trees all over the world. Every time a new copy is ordered, they will plant an organic fruit or nut tree in a disadvantaged community. This means when you order Ocean’s new book, you participate in the food revolution right away.
Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!
The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!
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