Fat loss, low carb and how to do intermittent fasting for weight loss with Dr Cecily Anne.
Topics covered:
-How Dr. Cecily incorporates intermittent fasting and got to her best weight and size
-Her practice of intermittent fasting
-Her top tips for incorporating intermittent fasting
And much more!
@fastingworkgirl on instagram!
This episode also features an interview with Fast Keto show sponsor Former Southern Living Executive Editor Scott Jones joins us to talk about using tech to make meal planning simpler as well as the service they offer. Also covered:
-Tips to make weekly dinners easier
-Planning is essential to saving time and success
-How the eMeals app works
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Prior to beginning a ketogenic diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a ketogenic diet is suitable for you and to rule out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a ketogenic diet[, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A ketogenic diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet]. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.