When a trapeze artist swings from one bar to the next or from the bar into the hands of a waiting circus artist, there is a moment when she or he is suspended in mid-air. For the acrobatic act to work, they must fully let go of the old secure bar BEFORE they are able to connect with the new bar or be caught by the hands of their partner acrobat. As the audience, this is typically the moment when we gasp, but the circus artist is not nervous. If they were, they would not succeed. They are not nervous because they have rehearsed and learned to trust in the unfolding of the act. They know the rhythm and timing of the letting go, the suspension in mid-air and how to connect on the other side. Join me this week on Wonder Your Way to Brilliant as we continue our discussion of the YAMA Aparigraha - non-possessiveness or letting go and explore with me how we can cultivate some of this trust for being suspended in mid-air.