My friend Jenny and I never stopped loving (or watching) Veronica Mars. We need you to know this. But now that Hulu is bringing the show back for a fourth season, we're diving deep to make sure we are all prepared to watch like the true marshmallows we are.
Note: This was recorded well before the Hulu show was aired. And we acknowledge that we already recorded an episode where we talked about Veronica Mars (it's about fierce female leads; you can listen to it here). But we did our best in this episode to cover everything we know and hope and expect for the new season. (And we also talk a bit about other shows that have been brought back by fans. Who knew so many fan campaigns had worked?!)
Preview for Veronica Mars, season 4, on Hulu Veronica Mars (the TV show, streaming on Hulu) Veronica Mars (the movie, streaming on Hulu) Veronica Mars (the novels) The Insider's article with details about the revival The Armchair Expert, ep. 76 with Ryan Hansen (sooo good, you guys!)ALSO MENTIONED:
16 Times Fans Saved or Brought Back a TV Show Firefly (on Hulu) Timeless (on Hulu) Gilmore Girls (on Netflix) Brooklyn 99 (on Hulu) Friday Night Lights (on Netflix)DON'T FORGET:
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