Every Man a Hero, D-Day First Wave Medic Ray Lambert - Today, we're featuring New York Times #1 best selling author Jim DeFelice. Jim's latest masterpiece is Every Man A Hero. Jim's book is the memoir of US Army combat medic Ray Lambert who survived 3 separate amphibious landings during World War II. 3.
On June 6, 1944, Ray along with thousands of others landed on the beaches of Normandy. Ray was in the first wave...in the front of the boat and was hit immediately.
Ray survived the day, pushing past exhaustion, his own wounds and kept saving lives, remarkable.
Enjoy this riveting conversation between Pete A Turner and our dear, dear friend, Jim DeFelice!
We also want to announce that the Break it Down Show is proud to support Save the Brave, a certified nonprofit that is committed to helping our veteran community and those affected with PTS. For more information and ways to give, go to savethebrave.org to find out how YOU can help.
Episode Haiku
Normandy Beaches
An extraordinary call
Each man a Hero
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