Album Fight U2 SOE vs. U2 SOI - We've got an incredible #AlbumFight today between U2 and U2. Songs of Experience takes on Songs of Innocence in the #albumfight ring. Our judges today are steeped in U2 expertise. Dr. Timothy Furnish a seasoned judge, dons the tuxedo t-shirt. Plus, Dr. Chris Endrinal and Brian Betteridge from @AtU2 examine the band at the professional level. This is likely our most qualified panel of judges to date.
Our host is Pete A Turner, Executive Producer of the Break It Down Show. Our Pre and Post Fight analysis is offered by Richard Lackie. This fight is co-produced by Damjan and Mike Lipari. As always, offering his art and voice to the fight is Phil Green.
How will these two albums fair? Is it possible that we'll see a draw? Best way to find out is to listen.
Who do you think wins?
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U2 fights U2
Reflections of youth and life
Love remains bigger
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