G Michael Hopf - The Discipline to Write More, Sell More Books, and EMPs - Our guest G Michael Hopf is an author with more than one successful franchise of books. He's written extensively on post-apocalyptic themes and has a written a highly successful series of western novels. To date, GMH has sold over a million books.
Get more of GMH's work at his website.
Before becoming a successful author G Michael Hopf enlisted in the Marine Corps. This Marine connection is evident as fellow Best-Selling Author, Scott Huesing, joins Pete A Turner to host this fun episode. Also hosting in terms of location, sliced fruit and on the show, is fellow Marine and former guest, Brian Dix.
Support Pete's swim around Coronado Island in SD with the SEAL Veterans Foundation by clicking and kicking in a few bucks. Go Get em Pete.
#podcast #episode #author #million #marines #fiction #apocalypse
The Apocalypse
My God! There’s no Tortillas
What a ghastly life
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