Robert Owens – Beyond Average, Hitting the Wall, Becoming Legendary - Air Force ParaRescue dudes, like our guest Robert Owens are hard as they come. They've got to be strong, fit and courageous. Wherever a service member is injured and needs rescuing, no matter how impossible the situation...the dudes that jump in are guys like Robert. They're undefeatable and are widely respected for the hard-ass dudes they are in the SpecOps community.
Robert is the oldest guy to complete SEALFit with Mark Divine. Mark's graduates get through graduate BUDS (Navy SEAL qualification testing) at a 95% you must be fit and mentally tough. BUDS breaks the bodies of 20 somethings as they try to become a when a 66-year-old dude shows up and passes, you know we're talking to a legend.
Pete A Turner sat down with Robert and talked about the four things undefeatable warriors do to get through adversity.
#warriors #combat #specops #pararescue #markdivine #undefeatablemind #BUDS #SEALFit #triathlon #marathon
Beyond Average
Mastering Hitting the Wall
Rob Owns Prescription
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