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You know the fable about the emperor's clothes? Yep, that's what we're talking about today...except it's an Empress, of course! Shout out to all my boss babes out there!
You don't need a super fancy website (or any website at all, actually) to build and grow your business. Today, I'm sharing with you my personal experience working with entrepreneurs that seem to have it all together on the outside, but when digging into actual expenses vs. profits, their businesses were in trouble! Remember our mantra - if it doesn't make money, it doesn't make sense. If you're spending thousands and bringing in pennies, we need to talk.
I'm also sharing my personal experience of building my business from the ground up with not much more than an old laptop. It can be done, people! Having all the nice things is really fun, but these "fancy clothes" without good profits are not going to do anything for your kingdom, my Empress!