This week Philippe Gaudreau, CEO and founder of SOLABS, is joined by return guest Gretchen Dixson, the Senior Product Specialist and Head Trainer at SOLABS. Today, they’re discussing the training section and some of the most common use cases she has encountered while working with clients in terms of configuring and helping improving practices in that area.
Training is a key subject as most users of SOLABS QM will have to log into it once in a while in order to record training. Philippe recommends you check episode 2 of SOLABS QM Insights as well to become more familiar with some of the concepts in the training section mentioned in this episode.
Be sure to tune in to hear all of Gretchen’s key insights into the best practices when it comes to the training section!
Key Takeaways:
[:30] About today’s episode with frequent guest, Gretchen Dixson.
[1:34] Philippe welcomes Gretchen on the podcast!
[1:42] What types of training activities are typically managed in SOLABS QM 10?
[2:17] Gretchen speaks about the most common use cases that she has seen in terms of how SOLABS’ clients use the training section.
[3:57] How would clients go about documenting external courses?
[5:59] Gretchen speaks about Function Roles and how they can be used to assign training activities.
[8:08] Gretchen explains the options available for assigning and scheduling training activities.
[9:45] Are activities assigned automatically to new users based on their Function Roles?
[10:40] Are users able to get an overview of all of their pending activities in SOLABS QM?
[11:58] From a Training Administrator or Manager’s perspective, how can they monitor training status in SOLABS QM?
[13:08] Gretchen provides some invaluable tips and tricks on the usage of the training section for both users and Training Administrators.
[17:37] Philippe thanks Gretchen (and the listeners!) for joining him this episode!
[18:25] If you have any questions, you can get in touch with Philippe on his LinkedIn. And, if you need any user guides, you can access the docs portal at
Mentioned in this Episode: