Once you've made the decision and started training instead of exercising, it doesn't take long to realize the average commercial "globo gym" is woefully inadequate for productive barbell training. Waiting to use the squat rack while someone finishes their high-rep curl set, poor quality barbells, dodecagonal plates, not being allowed to use chalk -- these are just a few of the reasons that most trainees at Barbell Logic choose to build a home gym.
With a modest outlay, you can equip a home gym with high quality equipment that will allow you to continue getting strong for years, and will last long enough to hand down to your children. In addition to the gym equipment, you will also need a few key pieces of personal equipment.
The Gym
What you need:
Barbell Plates Microplates A rack -- commonly known as a power rack, squat rack, or sometimes a power "cage" Bench Platform
Personal Equipment
Both home gym lifters and commercial gym-goers will need:
Weightlifting shoes Belt Wrist wraps (optional) Lifting straps (optional) Knee sleeves (optional)
Some of the brands we like and mentioned on this podcast:
Rogue Fitness Rep Fitness Microgainz A7 International Dominion Belts Fringe Sport Nike / Adidas / Reebok / Rogue Do-Win (for shoes)
Have a question about training? Send a question to Matt and Scott! Email us at questions@barbell-logic.com and we'll answer your question on an upcoming Saturday Q&A!
Want to try online coaching for FREE? Email experience@barbell-logic.com for a free trial of Barbell Logic Online Coaching. You'll get feedback on your technique and programming from a Barbell Logic coach, and see what the fuss is all about! Do you have trouble with the bar rolling down your back on squats? You need A7's patented bar grip shirt. Even kyphotic guys like Scott can keep the bar on the back with it. A7 is always rolling out new clothing and gear, too, so head over to their store to see what's new. Need a(nother) lifting belt? Dominion Belts makes the best belts in the business, and Barbell Logic listeners can save $10 off any purchase by using the discount code LOGIC.
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Matt on Instagram Barbell Logic Online Coaching — Matt’s website Matt on Facebook Matt on TwitterConnect With Scott
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