For the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children in America may have shorter life expectancies than their parents.
This breaks my heart.
Fortunately, there is a LOT we can do to change the course of our children’s health for the better, which is exactly what we’re chatting about with mom, author, gut expert and lunch lady, Hilary Boynton.
Here are some of the awesome topics we cover in this podcast:
-Why Hilary loves medicinal mushrooms (and which ones to take for better energy)
-The popular diet trend that caused Hilary’s health to deteriorate
-How to navigate our junk food-driven environment gracefully
-How to get our kids to eat healthful foods long term
-Simple steps we can take to cultivate healthy guts
-How to get your kids to eat organ meats
-How to teach your kids about food quality
-The difference between a “being” and “doing” parent
-How to become a lunch lady
And so much more! Don’t forget to share this information with anyone you think it may benefit.
Links / Offers
Hilary’s Website -
Hilary’s Best Selling Cookbook - The Heal Your Gut Cookbook -