Richard Siegel – Mr. Siegel Writes Washington - Rich Siegel is a writer who works across a variety of platforms. His blog is spectacular, the kind of writing that takes you on a multi-post journey that you come out of an hour later thoroughly entertained. He's also written several books based on his blog posts.
Get Richard's books here
As a freelance writer, Richard has written for brands like Clorox, Google, Whole Foods, Toyota, NetFlix, Sony, Coca-Cola, BMW--which is to say, Richard is great with words and funny as can be.
You MUST follow Richard on LinkedIn...he's hilarious there too. Pete A Turner sat down with Richard touches on politics but more importantly, gets into how Richard does what he does, and what it means to him.
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Mr Senator
It seems to me that you suck
Love, Richard Siegel
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Executive Producer/Host/Intro: Pete A.Turner
Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev
Writer: Marko Gulevski