Today's episode is one that was originally going to air on the podcast "Full Time Family"- a whim I had months ago. I decided to instead present it as a series here within Marvelous Moms to keep all the great content in one easy to find place!
This episode is also different than any we've had so far. The reason for that is because we have a mom AND a daughter talking with us!
Do you remember Alison Prince from episode 202? She's back today and has her daughter Makayla telling her side of the story. I love hearing this different perspective. It's always been the moms talking about their kids with no input from the other side, so this was fun!
We talked about a bunch of things, including:
An ultimatum from mom Selling $100,000 in nine months Knowing what you want to do with your life Understanding the value of money at a young age Freedom to choose any path you want Creating her OWN COURSE!I hope you enjoy listening to this fun chat between mother and daughter (and me!)
I want to hear from YOU my friend! Let's chat about this over on Instagram- @kirstentyrrel You can tag me or post and use #marvelousmomsclub so we can keep the conversation going.
You know what? You should make sure you've SUBSCRIBED to the podcast! Do that here on iTunes or Stitcher!
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More from this episode:
Thanks for listening- have a marvelous day!