Hi guys, Ali Daniel back with another episode of the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast! Today I’m bringing Shana Stanley to the table to share her journey with us. Shana is a coach, hypnotherapist, mother, and former-wallflower-turned-outgoing-introvert. She helps women, right now she focuses mainly on divorced and newly single women and those who identify as women, to break free from their social anxiety and self-doubt so they can live the BOMBass life they crave.
Shana is also an alumni of Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator , which she graduated from this summer too!
I’m really excited to bring Shana on the show because she is such an incredible example of a woman who has really stepped out into the scariest shit known to man and has sort of rose from the ashes. She was doing all the things to survive a marriage and life that she was unhappy in by going to yoga, listening to podcasts, reading all the self-help books, meditating, but nothing was working. Finally, she stepped into the fire and did the deep work it took to get back into alignment, which she shares in this interview. This led her to coming out, getting a divorce and now starting her own coaching business.
We get into so many good topics today around coaching, what it takes to be a coach, how to deal with the self-doubt as we are trying to start our own coaching business, overcoming what other people think, money blocks, dealing with childhood wounds, you name it, we get into it.
Shana is actually launch a new coaching program in January 2020 to help women going through a divorce or breakup give up feeling “not good enough” and step into a new transformed and badass life post-separation. If you’re curious to learn more you can follow up with Shana through the links in the episode description!
Aha Moments:
Links + Mentioned In This Episode:
Find Shana on IG @theselfdoubtslayer
Find out more about Shana's programs at www.shanastanley.com
Learn more about Path to Freedom at Punchdrunksoul.com/pathtofreedom