"You love me as you find me ... Your love's too good to leave me here."
These lyrics are from Hillsong United's recent song, "As you find me."
The 'you' in these lyrics is Jesus.
Jesus, who today, willingly lavishes us with His love - no matter where we are, what we are doing or not doing, what we are saying and thinking.
A love that says, "I know you aren't perfect and that's okay."
A love that says, "I'm standing in the gap between you and your Heavenly Father, so your relationship with Him is restored."
A love that says, "I have plans for you. Let my love take you into your future."
A love that has transformed my life, given me love, purpose, strength, healing, joy and peace. What a gift!
What's on your gift list for this Christmas?
Is love on your list?
Is purpose on your list?
Is strength on your list?
Is healing on your list?
Is joy on your list?
Is peace on your list?
Where do you start shopping for these gifts?
On your knees. Confess that Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
You may say, "Oh, I can't do that, I'm not good enough."
And I would reply, "Well, neither am I, and Jesus knows that. He loves us as He finds us. There is no checklist to see if we measure up, because we don't, and we never will without Him. He loves us as He finds us. We just need to respond to His love and choose to make Him Lord of our lives."
You may say, "But if I do that, won't I need to change the way I live?"
And I would reply, "You don't need to do the changing. Over time as you understand more of Jesus love for you, the changes will happen. His love's too good to leave you here. Just plan some one on one time with Jesus every day, and see what He will do in you."
You may say, "Oh I'm still not sure this is for me."
And I would reply, "There is a God in Heaven Who loves you. He knows your heart's desires. He knows your pain. He's made a way for you to be lavished with unconditional love, know your purpose, have strength, receive healing, live with joy and peace. That way is Jesus and He knows your name. Just talk to Him."
Jesus ... "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." John 10:10 The Message
The gift of love - Jesus.
To find out more please visit https://wendyrobinson.com.au