Hi friends-
Aside from this new Solosode being the official 2 year anniversary episode🎉 of the podcast AND the final episode of 2019🎆; this episode is all about arming YOU with the STRONGEST, most EMPOWERED, RESILIENT + CAPABLE mindset that will ELEVATE your energy + spirit as you head into 2020.
I want to sincerely thank all of you who have been taking your VALUABLE time to listen to BlackBeltBeauty Radio and supporting it with your attention, your IG shares, your ratings, and reviews- I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of it and that this podcast is only getting better. By better I mean delivering more incredible content that will support you to rise into the highest expression of yourSELF and create a life you are proud of and LOVE LIVING.
A few quick mentions in the podcast:
Starting 1/1/20 all of my email subscribers will receive one empowering, encouraging, bite-size LOVE NOTE from me a week that will also be available in audio format. I want you to start your day with this short but sweet love note so that you feel AMAZING as you tackle the hustle of your day like a BOSS.
You can sign up for them here VIA WWW.BLACKBELTBEAUTY.COM
Also mentioned in support of your health/nutrition upgrade in this New Year is my BEAUTYFUEL RECIPES FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIVING EBOOK. This recipe book has 12 of my staple meals that hack time consuming-production in the kitchen while delivering HIGHLY nutritious meals that not only taste incredible but help you to FEEL incredible.
I am SO excited to take this podcast to the NEXT LEVEL for ALL OF YOU next year. Its SO ON.
Loving and appreciate you all so much while sending you my absolute HIGHEST VIBES to take you into the New Year.
See you on the other side!
To support this podcast you can leave a review via Itunes + give it a 4-star rating (so major!) Click here to review via iTunes or you can do it from any iPhone via the podcast app at the bottom of the podcasts episodes page. You can also screengrab this episode, share it on your IG stories + tag me so I can see it! Thank you SO much for your love + support. XO @roxylook @blackbeltbeauty