Today we want to ask about the Moon Hoax - how did they see UFO's on the Moon if we didn't go to the Moon? Today on Encounters USA Today we will be discussing a topic that has bothered me for many years.
If the moon landing was faked how did Buzz Aldrin and other astronauts see UFOs on the moon? What are the implications of the answer to this question if the result of a hoax moon landing means the astronauts lied about everything including UFO’s on the moon? What does that do to the credibility of NASA and the US government?
It also brings in the whole UFO conspiracy community right under the thumb of the Central Intelligence Agency to at least some extent.
In such a reality all UFO investigators, researchers, reporters and even podcast hosts must immediately become suspect as Deep State plants guilty of collusion by association and in some cases, by so-called access to classified information. Don’t miss a second of this amazing podcast.