Why is this happening to me?
Haven't I been through enough?
I'm a good person. Why me?
These are pretty normal questions we ask ourselves when we are going through something hard or when we have just walked through a hard time and the next one happens right away.
This question of why is almost impossible to answer right away. The answer will come at some point likely but this question doesn't always serve us right away. It keeps us stuck in the circumstance. We need to stop asking this question and figure out what to do next instead.
We go through things to share things. We need to share our story to help others through their harder life experiences. I share part of a chapter from my book, When the Meaning is Lost (available on Amazon), in this episode because it dives into this question of "why me?".
Listen in to hear the rest of what I've learned about why things happen for us, not to us.
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LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:
Jill is helping so many find meaning again after loss and those harder experiences in life like divorce, health crises and major life changes with her book When the Meaning is Lost. Visit Jill's Instagram to be moved to create more Like Jill's Facebook page to receive daily inspiration Join her FREE Life MAKERS group on Facebook Learn how to increase your mental, physical and spiritual energy with her online learning courses at www.jillethier.comMORE EPISODES TO LISTEN TO ON THIS TOPIC
Episode 207: Accepting what is
Episode 249: The joy must outweigh the grief
This podcast is inspired by those podcasts that are impacting lives in a very big way including The Ed Mylett show and The Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis which are always pure fire and filled with great strategy for life and business.