Our guest on the show today, and what she teaches, has had a profound effect on our host, Michelle Bosch. In Michelle’s journey to find some physical relief from the stress of being a real estate investor, a wife, and a mom, she also found great peace, focus, and rest as a result of practicing yoga nidra. She even ties this practice to opening up streams of abundance in both life and business.
Michelle’s conversation in this episode is with Kamini Desai, the executive director at the Amrit Institute and an expert in transformational sleep and yoga nidra. Having been awarded the title of Yoga Shwari, a yoga master with the ability to bring ancient illumination to the challenges of the human experience, she’s worked with well known companies such as Sony, Mars, Kelloggs, The Department of Corrections, and The Department of Netherlands Government.
As we learn through Kamini, the practice of yoga nidra is a form of relaxation that uses the biology of our bodies to enter a natural state of meditation. During the process, our minds follow our brain waves towards sleep. Our state of mind becomes further and further away from our thoughts which leaves us in a transitional, twilight zone.
As Kamini explains, this phase allows our parasympathetic system to become more balanced with our sympathetic system giving our bodies a major release from tension and stress. Not only does Kamini give you insight on how yoga nidra works on a surface level, but you will learn what this means for your bodies on a biochemical level.
Through releasing hormones and neurotransmitters in our prefrontal cortex, our moods improve, immune systems strengthen, and minds become clearer.
This episode is full of both the science of yoga nidra, and the “why” behind a practice like this for all driven women who wear many hats. It’s good for the guys too! Listen in to hear how Jack, Michelle’s husband and business partner, uses yoga nidra in his own way!
In this episode Michelle and Kamini cover:
The physical and biochemical benefits of yoga nidra The reason why practicing yoga nidra is so important for inflows of cash, grace, and ease How to get started with yoga nidra Find out more! Subscribe and rate our podcast on iTunes at: http://www.michellebosch.com/itunes Android users can subscribe and rate our podcast at: http://www.michellebosch.com/android Follow Michelle Bosch on Instagram to see what she’s up to: https://www.instagram.com/michelleboschofficialConnect with Kamini
Connect with Kamini on her website: https://www.kaminidesai.com/ Download the I Am Yoga Nidra app at: https://www.kaminidesai.com/transformational-sleep-app Hear more of Kamini’s teaching’s and sample some of her free yoga nidra videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo6uPgM3J-n69u6iRPro5lw Purchase Kamini’s Yoga Nidra or Life Lessons, Love Lessons book at: https://www.kaminidesai.com/books-by-kamin