Porn has become increasingly normal over the past 15 years. Pornhub and its constant campaigning is one of the reasons for that. Every year they publish stats from their website, including most common search terms on their website.
Join Andrew and Sammy as they share their reactions going over these stats and how they interpret current porn trends and what they mean.
This show covers the following…
Some not so frequently heard of angles on porn [5:40]
Where is humanity right now? [9:00]
Andrew’s expectations of pornhub’s HQ [10:10]
The true identity of MindGeek [11:20]
Some links to the mentioned stats as well as other commentaries [13:40]
How many website visits? [14:00]
How many years worth of content? [15:00]
The No-going-back policy [16:40]
Data transfer stats [17:50]
What happens to your conscience? [18:40]
What was it like back in the day to get a hotel room? [20:05]
How many visits a minute? [20:50]
Community stats and reflections on it [21:40]
Trends for most searched terms [25:00]
The perspective from outside the porn-bubble [26:50]
The mother relationship complex [27:20]
What is Sammy’s main concern with the search statistics? [29:30]
What happens to your motivation through porn? [31:50]
What is the twin-dragon effect? [34:00]
Why is it healthy to feel the nerve of this area every so often? [35:40]
What does porn represent and what’s an alternative? [37:00]
What is High Noon all about? [38:30]
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