Founder and CEO of Career Contessa, Lauren McGoodwin is a former career coach and recruiter who decided to launch a resource for women who are job searching, soul searching, and looking for new ways to advance their careers. With the current crisis we are all facing, many people have lost their jobs, are now searching for ones that are more meaningful to them and trying to maintain their households at the same time. Lauren and I are discussing what you can and should do if you’ve lost your job, what industries and companies are currently hiring and how your job search is affected by your budget.
Job hunting is emotional, but we have some tips to help you get through it!
What we’re talking about
Steps To Take If You’ve Lost Your Job & How Your Budget Affects Your Job Search Utilizing A Job Search As A Time For Self-Reflection The Difference Between A Job You Love & A Job You NeedSteps To Take If You’ve Lost Your Job & How Your Budget Affects Your Job Search
If you still have your job, then do you best to keep that job, even if it’s not your dream job. If you’ve lost your job, then the first thing you should do is file for unemployment. The next step you should take is to review your budget and your finances. Decide how long you have to search for a job versus how long your budget will allow you to search for the right job. If your budget runway isn’t long enough to allow you to search for 6 months, then you should look at finding a bridge job which will get you the financial help you need while allowing you time to search for that perfect job. Some current companies that are hiring include Amazon, Walmart, Kroeger, and Instacart. Go to where the demand is and find those companies. There is nothing bad about getting a job that isn’t your dream job right now.
Utilizing A Job Search As A Time For Self-Reflection
You should use your job search as a time for self-reflection. Ask yourself what your career ideals are. What are your must-haves in a job? What are your deal breakers? What would be nice-to-haves? Create an ongoing list of companies and organizations you’re interested in and would really want to work for. Your strategy should include a listening tour which is informational interviews to find out more about companies you’re interested in. It’s easier to start with the company and not the job because you want to ensure the values you’re looking for already exist. Start with 15 target companies and create a schedule to ensure you don’t burnout. Afterall, a job search can be a full-time job in itself. Be sure to listen to podcasts, create structure, reward yourself and have virtual happy hours with friends.
The Difference Between A Job You Love & A Job You Need
When you have a job that you love, you’re going to feel the difference it makes in your life. Loving your job brings more confidence, makes your relationships better and allows you to grow your skillsets. You will find more ways to stay motivated when you have a job you love. During this time of crisis, having a job you love might not be possible and that’s ok. The important thing is to find a job that fits your current budget runway and eventually allows you time to find the job you love.
Have you created a schedule for your job search?
Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot and Build a Career of Purpose