Our routines, priorities, plans, and how our daily lives look today, in comparison to just a few ago have changed so drastically, and are so up up in the air. We don’t know what to expect next, and are navigating all of this literally day by day, along with the rest of the world.
Along with all of the uncertainty out there in the world, there is a whole new level of uncertainty we carry around our own worlds - how to structure our days, how to manage our time, how to still get our jobs done with kids at home, how to fit in any time for rest. We’re trying to make sense of how we’re feeling about all of this, and trying to understand the ever evolving impact this is all having. And that spirals in to….COMPARISON.
Ugh, comparison. Yuck. it can be so defeating and depressing if we don’t actively work on shifting our perspective to get it under control. I have just been sensing that people are feeling this creeping in more and more (during this time) by what I have heard in conversations, and things I have seen on social media.
Some comparisons can be good. It can be healthy, motivating and inspire action taking.
The comparison I’m talking about now though, is the stuff that wears on us, and that there is nothing positive about. The stuff that we let eat away at us and that we begin to allow ourselves to feel inadequate and that we aren’t doing enough, or resting enough, or feeling enough... that we just aren’t enough. Yuck.
Join me for this conversation that will help free you from feelings of 'should be' and shame, and give you perspective to help you focus on what makes sense for YOU.