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In the Outdoor Update, Ethan covers the continued COVID-19 closures and the economic impact on the outdoor industries.
From the Field, Brian interviews Jesse from Eight Point Outdoors
Instructor One from Ryker USA shares the 3 F’s for fitness.
In the Rock, Mud, and Dirt, we are going to talk about a special Jeep Week Event that is currently canceled and might go away.
Then we wrap the show up with a Cup of Joe.
Links & Products Mentioned:
Tuffy Security Products - use special code “GRIND” for 10% off products
Instructor One with Ryker USA
Eight Point Outdoors Instagram
Brute Force Training - Discount Code AMB7718
InertiaWave - Discount Code RYKERUSA
SABRE Security Equipment - SAVE 15% off using Promo Code CUSTSV20
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