This week's EPIC podcast guest is Dr. Jade Teta.
Jade is all kinds of amazing things. He is a super smart Naturopathic Physician, An Author, A philosopher, a strength and conditioning specialist, a podcast host to his epic show, call the Next Level Human Podcast, and in addition to all of that, Jades operates a HIGHLY successful multifaceted online business.
Outside of that incredible list — from my perspective, Jade is a warm, creative, wise, and deep individual who I could have kept talking to for hours.
I love this talk so much because Jade and I have so many shared passions from health/fitness/performance/self-development + philosophy so picked his brain in all of those areas as much as I could in this talk without making it a 5-hour talk— not an easy task at all.
I will say this talk takes a DEEP dive Self-Development so talks around self-identity, passion, purpose in life, process + Jade's powerful perspectives/ frameworks in these areas.
A few of the powerful takeaways you will gain from this talk:
How/away Jade found interest in hormones/endocrinology and evolved his career in all areas of his purpose
Listening to yourSelf to live on your highest path
How Pain is a powerful catalyst for powerful growth
Choosing to NOT be a victim in your life
Jades empowering and unique perspective on the quote “Everything happens for a reason”
The different between Purpose and Passion
3 Jade breaks down his belief on the reasons we are here: To Learn to Teach and to Love
Getting energetic validation for your work- what is this, why is this important?
The stories about we create about ourselves that can trap us in identities that do not serve us
Operating Life froth lens that YOU are more than a human, You are an EXPERIENCE
How your Physical state impacts your mental state + Jades breakdown on his 4 jobs:
PURPOSE + MEANING and how these important aspects of our lives affect the others.
And SO much more.
This conversation is SO RICH in thought-provoking ideas that will FOR SURE make you think deeper about yourself, your passions and purpose in life, your approach to your health, and investigate the ways that you can become more rooted, clear + stronger in all of these important areas of your life.
I loved every minute of this talk with one of my new favorite friends that is the amazing Jade Teta— and I Believe you will too.
Let us know by screen-grabbing this, throwing it up on your IG stories and tagging us both- @ROXYLOOK + @JADETETA
NEXT LEVEL HUMAN EP 50: Estrogen, Progesterone, and Contraceptives in Female Athletes
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