“Everything just works better when we are on the same page.”
This is the perfect episode for those who work with their significant other. Whether you are stepping into a leadership and ownership transition or you are the founder of your business, if you work with your spouse, this is the episode for you.
Here are a list of questions I asked Maggie:
Maggie, tell us a little about yourself: How did you come to be "The Best Marriage Coach" in the world?
I have clients who work with their spouses-- the assumption is always, "things are so much better when we are on the same page". This is something I am calling "Same Page Leadership." Would you agree with this assumption? Why/why not? Do you see this in your work?
When couples aren't on the same page-- what does that look like? Why aren't they on the same page?
The role of arguments: productive v. destructive Maggie’s Understanding = Love MythWhat are a few ways/techniques/exercises spouses who work with each other can stay on the same page?
Two Tools to Get and Stay on the Same PageYou have a new book out-- tell us why you wrote this book?
Who is it for?
How can we find you?
Resources Mentioned:
“Defense is the First Act of War” by Byron Katie
https://maggiereyes.com/podcast/4/ Emotional Weightloss
https://maggiereyes.com/podcast/5/ Request vs. Demands
Full show notes: https://successfulgenerations.com/episode079/