You might recognize Kara Elise, host of celebrity wellness parties from her previous interview where she compared her previous relationships to various foods. Now, Kara has not only met her cheeseburger, but is engaged to him! West Point Grad, former NFL Draft Pick, and motivational speaker, Caleb Campbell is joining Kara on today’s episode and we are talking about their journey to finding themselves and then each other. What began as two single people who were on separate journeys has turned into a couple who are working together and have launched a podcast that is asking all the right questions. Between curating dinner parties to creating spaces for people to feel more understood, this couple is changing lives and encouraging people to lead their lives in a way that serves them.
You have to be your own cheeseburger, because someone else isn’t the answer to your hunger.
What we’re talking about
Kara & Caleb’s Journeys To Finding Themselves, Then Each Other Living A Life Unattached To “Things” The Importance Of Finding Value & Giving ValueKara & Caleb’s Journeys to Finding Themselves, Then Each Other
Kara and Caleb’s journeys were similar in that they were both working on themselves in order to make space for the right person to come into their lives. One of the keys in that was for them to accept their lives where they were at that moment. Caleb describes it as a journey of where you are, accepting it and a journey of letting go. It’s about acceptance of your life and that if it were to never change, being ok with that.
Kara and Caleb attended the same writing workshop together and on day 1, Kara had decided she was content with her life as it was and Caleb opened up to everyone by crying. Both knew that they had to trust that the universe was for them and that being vulnerable would allow for inner healing.
Caleb’s former life involved the NFL, but it had not been about the NFL. It had been a time of finding significance. Looking back, he realizes that by looking for significance, he wonders when he was actually robbed of it in the first place, needing to search for it.
Living A Life Unattached To “Things”
As most couples do, Kara and Caleb have discussed money. Neither of them have felt it was a priority because it’s always been taken care of, but money is something we want to control, hold onto and figure out. The same can be said about eating disorders. It’s not about the food, but about feeling safe and in control. Both are used as coping mechanisms. Kara and Caleb don’t want to live life attached to “things” or things looking a certain way, whether it’s relationships, money or anything else.
The Importance Of Finding Value & Giving Value
Value begets value. Caleb shares that every time you give value, value will be returned to you, therefore you can make amazing things happen every single day by what you do. In order to bring value, you need to come from a place of operating out of the present and with a want to continuously grow and evolve.
Caleb and Kara have done the inner work and healing and want to offer it externally, which is why they launched their new podcast. It’s not about finding answers in life, but about asking the right questions. Every question leads to the journey of answering that question.
Are you asking the right questions of yourself?