This week, my sister, Jamie Brownlee Turgeon shares about her two special mom roles as well as encourages all of us to be an influencer in a child’s life. Whether you are the biological mom, adoptive mom, stepmom, aunt, grandma, or mentor, we all have a significant impact. I love that Jamie challenges us to be intentional and purposeful.
First, Jamie shares about how she influences my kids as their much-loved aunt. I am thankful that she has been an important motherly figure to my kids as she loves on them, encourages them, and gives them advice. We talk how my kids would make her a special card for Mother’s Day letting her know how much we appreciate her. If you have a woman in your life that pours into your kids, I highly recommend honoring her on Mother’s Day.
Secondly, after my sister got married, Jamie became a stepmom to two amazing kids. I love how she shares about her impact in this important “bonus mom” role. She is also honest about the ups and downs of being a stepmom and shares some resources that helped her along the way.
Lastly, we will talk about ways we can encourage and come along side women in both of these special mom roles. We definitely try to tackle some of the hard questions.
Friends, one of the main goals of this special mom series was to remind all of us that we all have an important role. We have the privilege to encourage and influence a child; what a honor to be a motherly figure to them! I want to you to know that I am cheering you all on in your “special mom” story, and I pray you are intentional in the kid’s lives that you are impacting.
Recommended Book: *My Bonus Mom
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