The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder can often be overlooked because of their similarities to ADHD. Studies show that thirty percent of people diagnosed with ADHD will have a depressive episode or have a mood disorder in their lifetime. I have always been fascinated with this association because of my own anxiety and depression disorders and also having family members with Bipolar Disorder.
Today I discuss mental health with Mental Health advocate, Keirstyn Secord @dancingwithdarkness on Instagram. We discuss some BIG TOPICS and suggestions that those of us with ADHD can directly relate to:
-The empowerment and grieving process of a diagnosis.
-How to differentiate between who you are and your diagnosis.
-How to embrace the awkward with mental health.
-How to know if your therapist is a right fit for you.
-Going beyond the grocery store response.
-Self compassion and empathy.