It's a very strange time at the moment, for all manner of reasons, and it's an especially odd time to be running a travel podcast. So ... I'm not.
This is the first of a two-part episode all about protest and direct action. Next week I'll be going to back to "Storytime" with tales of times when direct action in the UK has successfully changed society, culture, or the government.
This episode, however, is all about the act of protest itself - the bulk of which is a 'Guide To Your First Protest' provided by my friend V; if you've never taken part in a protest before, but are feeling inspired and motivated to do so, you might be a little unsure how protests work in practice. V guides you through what to wear (shoes!), what to carry, how to behave, what to watch out for, and how to cope with a tear gas attack.
Good luck.
To help you along, A PDF transcript of this episode is available.
As always, if you have anything to say about the topic, or indeed about my podcasting in general, leave a comment or let me know. The pod has a Facebook group you can join, too.
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Until next time, bye for now. :)