Mary, Colleen, and Robyn speak about Reiki in hospitals and practical solutions on how to introduce Reiki into medical settings. Blending complementary modalities and Western medicinal practices, Mary Thies has walked a winding journey through many fields of medicine. Mary is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master and currently practices as a Registered Nurse in the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego. She founded the Reiki Therapy program at Providence Center for Medically Fragile Children in Portland, OR, where she trained nurses and other bedside staff in Reiki Level I, creating a unique program with special attention to the medically complex population and Western medical environment. In Portland, Mary helped found the Neonatal Intensive Care Massage Therapy program at Doernbecher Children's Hospital, teaching parents how to provide healing massage therapy to their most fragile infants. She also volunteered as a medical liaison and massage therapist for oncology patients at Taking Care Portland. She continues to practice Reiki in her daily nursing care, and she believes that we can grow a more united system of care and healing through improved education and research.
Mary can be reached at:
Colleen and Robyn can be reached at:
Social Colleen:
Facebook: @reikilifestyle
Insta: @colleenbenelli
Social Robyn:
Facebook/Insta: @robynbenellireiki