People get so hung up on titles in the workplace, and think that in order to be a leader, you have to have a title that with the word manager, director, or some other executive function.
The reality is that you can be a leader without technically having direct reports, or a job role that puts a manager or director title on your business card. The reverse is also true. You can be a manager of people, and not be a leader...or be a bad one.
Decide that you are going to be a leader, and then seek out opportunities to show leadership. Don't wait until someone else gives you a title that indicates that you are in a leadership role by default. Remember, YOU get to make decisions that will build your life. You are in the driver's seat. It will be noticed - in your company, in your industry, and really it carries over into all areas of your life. From there, opportunities will open, and you will find yourself stepping into things that are new and exciting.
Join me for this week's episode to hear more about how this applies in our day to day lives.
Check out the full show notes here!