Sarah Braasch - A Deep Dive Into Napping While Black - In May 2018, Sarah Braasch, a student at Yale, called campus authorities on Lolade Siyonbola. What started as a minor incident, turned into a national story..."Napping While Black," read the headlines. Sarah Braasch was demonized, nationally...but there are two sides to this story. Dr. Wil Reilly and Pete A Turner explore the series of events and circumstances and come to some remarkable conclusions.
Be sure to check out Wil Reilly's Hate Crime Hoax episode. He's the leading scholar in the nation on this phenomenon.
What makes this episode challenging is the confluence of delicate topics. 1. Mental well being, Sarah has a history of abuse, Yale recognized this and made accommodations. 2. Racial issues tend to act like an emotional accelerant. 3. Institutions, not just Yale, often fail in these situations.
Here's the live version of Sarah's interview with Wil Reilly and OL Pedro
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Executive Producer/Host/Intro:
Pete A. Turner
Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev
The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of topics. Get in contact with Pete at