This week Felix and Andy have some show and tell on hand, in the form of the stylish (and very wearable) Cartier Santos-Dumont, which were released this year in mechanical options. They also dive into a colourful Gucci collab, and a very fun, and open watch matchmaker from Marcus. Marcus has $6000 Aussie to spend on a not-overly-massive daily knock-around wearer, and he’s not too fussed when it comes to style. Weirdly enough, Felix and Andy come up with six options that are very similar.
Two of them are literally the same watch, and three of the others are blue-dialled divers. But don’t worry, with his last pick Felix went wild (and pretty off brief), so look out for that one.
Things we've liked:
Andy's picks:
Longines Spirit 40mm (black dial)
Felix's Picks:
Longines Spirit 40mm (white dial)
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