Erin shares her passion for financial education, what led her to write a book and the importance of storytelling to engage young people to take action with their finances. Enjoy!
0:00~0:06 Introduction
0:06~0:46 The kind of work Erin does
0:46~3:54 Early money lessons
3:54~6:35 Working a variety of jobs growing up
6:35~8:12 Starting a blog
8:12~10:26 The breakthrough moment
10:26~12:23 Writing Broke Millennial
12:23~14:40 Working during the pandemic
14:40~17:50 How Erin is different from other authors
17:50~19:32 Investing and paying off debt
19:32~21:09 Importance of investing for retirement
21:09~23:01 Index funds versus individual stocks
23:01~23:25 A word from NGPF
23:25~26:15 Closing the gender gap in investing
26:15~28:07 What readers get out of reading Erin’s books
28:07~30:34 Awkward money conversations
30:34~32:22 Partners with different investment risk tolerances
32:22~37:38 When to start thinking about paying for college
37:38~40:34 What GenZ students are interested in
40:34~44:34 Popularity of commission-free investing apps
44:34~ Conclusion