This Quackcast is about the topic of whether it's right to change an established character just to fit with the ideas and styles of a new creator or change them in accordance with an idea or political position you want to explore, OR should you instead create a whole new character or story to do that with? Bane's newspost gave the example of the ersatz justice league created for The Boys, where Homelander =/= Superman. The series was made to look at the dark side of superheros, but it doesn't ruin established and much loved heroes to do that…
Changing an established character or story to fit with what you want to do with them is tricky. Frank Miller did it well with Batman, going back to his dark, gritty noir beginnings and changing him from the campy, light character he'd evolved into. This was done poorly with Thundercats, the most recent adaption changing them into a stupid stylised cartoon. Another interesting example is James Bond Vs Austin Powers. Austin Powers is a James Bond spoof and it works, it makes fun of the character and the genre without ruining that character. Contrast that with the first Casino Royal film which was a spoof made using the character of James Bond, It's terrible and harms the IP.
I think the conclusion we came to is that generally when you want to go in another direction with things it's best to make a new character or story to do that with rather than piggyback on existing IP. You can use an existing IP to do it with but it's a lot more difficult to do a good job and most people fail at it.
This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Mousetrap - Bass leads the way, stomping through and leading this down-beat rock sound, Another bass guitar burrs in to take the mantle of the Melody and keyboards do their thing with a fun, driving sound, even the drums try and take over the rhythm, but no one can usurp the mighty bass! It’s a clash of the bass.
Topics and shownotes
Banes' newspost on the subject -
Featured comic:
Gumshoe -
Featured music:
MouseTrap - -, by Onoi, rated A.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Tantz Aerine -
Ozoneocean -
Pitface -
Banes -
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