In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, we tackle quail—their personality, how to raise them, and all the enjoyments and challenges that come with this small but hardy fowl. Editor Jessica Mitchell chats remotely with Kelly Bohling, who has been raising quail in her backyard within Lawrence, Kansas city limits.
Follow the links below for topics mentioned in the podcast that may have piqued your interest:
Check out Brinsea and their leading incubation technology.
Follow Three Rabbit Yarns on their website, Etsy shop, and Instagram.
Community Chickens articles by Kelly Bohling:
Incubating Coturnix Quail Eggs
Build Your Own Quail Brooder
Housing Coturnix Quail
Getting the Most from Quail Eggs
The Coturnix Fix
Quail community groups:
Coturnix Quail Breeders of America
Urban Quail Keeping
Natural Quail Keeping
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Check out the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Bookstore for more resources to help you achieve your health and farming goals.
To see more podcasts, visit our Mother Earth News and Friends page.
The “Mother Earth News and Friends” podcast is a production of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS NETWORK.