In this episode of "Mother Earth News and Friends," Cindy Gibson of Guinea Fowl International presents at the Belton, Texas MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair about establishing and caring for your poultry. She shares the benefits and disadvantages of raising mixed flocks, as well as the pros and cons of several types of birds, with an emphasis on guinea fowl.
Follow the links below for topics mentioned in the podcast that may have piqued your interest:
Check out Brinsea and their leading incubation technology.
Do you know that the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Fair has moved online? Learn more about our courses and webinars, ranging from food preservation to livestock, and register for the all-access bundle now!
Check out the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Bookstore for more resources to help you achieve your health and farming goals.
To see more podcasts, visit our "Mother Earth News and Friends" page.
The “Mother Earth News and Friends” podcast is a production of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS NETWORK.